June 30th - July 11th 2008
We have nine weeks of summer holidays. NINE WEEKS! In my day, it was only six…
Nine weeks!
We're actually planning to spend most of it in the UK, but have a couple of weeks to kill first.
Rhiannon's asked to go to some extra Aikido lessons. They last for an hour and a half and with a small group, they can learn new and exciting techniques. Involving large sticks! By doing these few extra hours on the mat, Rhiannon attained her orange belt – 8th kyu. I'm so proud of her.
Next, she wants me to dye her hair pink. OK, why not? Let's get the rebellion over and done with now. By the time she's a teenager she won't be able to do anything to bother me... famous last words, eh?! Besides, it's fairly temporary and with 9 weeks to fade, we should be OK for back to school time.
During the second week, I've enrolled her in a Gym School being held by ICan Gymnastics who run the silly-o'clock lessons at school. This week, however, the days are being held at another international school which has real gym equipment. Rhiannon will get to go on asymmetric bars, the beam, mini-tramp and mats.
After the first day she came back in agony having discovered muscles she didn't know she had! She had an absolutely brilliant time (and I think has developed a bit of a crush on one of the trainers there!).
On the Friday, I went to watch. The first thing I saw when I went in was my daughter doing a cartwheel off the end of a beam! EEK!
I was extremely impressed with the ICan team and their philosophy. And very pleased that Rhiannon enjoyed herself so much. I've agreed that even though she won't be continuing the early morning lessons at school, she can go to any holiday schools they hold for the sheer opportunity to use this specialised equipment with qualified teachers.
Two weeks down, seven to go…