Saturday 5th July 2008
Tim's outside washing the car.
Our cat – who usually makes himself scarce during the day – was loitering around a drain grill near the driveway. He was watching it intently. Something was down there. And it was something alive as otherwise Raymi wouldn't have been so absorbed. Incidentally, Raymi doesn't miaow – he squeaks. A ridiculous noise for such a big cat and gives rise to his nickname Squeaky Fluffybum.
Anyway, he was squeaking at whatever was down the hole. He wanted it. Whatever 'it' was.
Now, as we live in a big city, you'd think it was probably a rat. But no…
Tim very bravely lifted up the grill and scooped this out.
He didn't have a clue what it was so yelled to me, as I am, in his mind, the font of all natural history knowledge. At first glimpse I thought it was a bloody great scorpion, but on closer inspection it appeared to be a small, very cross crayfish.
Raymi took one sniff and scarpered! And Tim popped it back down the drain.