Friday 8th February 2008 – Friday 15th February 2008
Once again we were pulled over by the US security heavies for a full check, just like in Hawaii. This was getting ridiculous and Tim complained loudly. Naturally it made no difference at all but at least he didn't get arrested. Apparently it's all "completely random, sir"… err, don't think so!
As I have 'flu I don't really recall much of this holiday.
I do know that if I didn't have 'flu I would have found Guam to be the most boring place in the world.
As it was, I found myself a hammock next to the pool, plugged myself into my MP3 player and listened to my Japanese language course. And promptly fell asleep. Tim and Rhiannon played happily in the almost empty pool and didn't think to wake me up. So I got very sunburned on the first day.
Obviously I wasn't up to much those first couple of days so we ate in the hotel and I fell asleep in bed while Tim and Rhiannon watched TV. They are on their ideal holiday!
The beach was really tiny – about four feet from sea to edge and none of us fancied going in it as there was a lot of weed and potential jellyfish around. Both Tim and I had been stung by a Portuguese Man o'War in the past (on very separate occasions) and didn't want to repeat the exceedingly painful experience with unknown nasties.
A double-decker tram / bus shuttled between the hotels and "town" so on subsequent days and nights we took this to find other restaurants. These comprised TGIF and the Outback. And that was about it. Oh, we did try a Japanese restaurant one night but it was so appalling that we all felt rather sick. The tram was fun though. Open-topped, it whizzed along the road with Rhiannon standing up and me shouting "duck" to get her head down just in time as we passed under Frangipani trees. She thought this was hysterically funny. We gathered fallen Frangipani flowers to decorate and scent the rather drab hotel room.
We hired a car for a few days just to get around a bit more. Some nice views, beautiful turquoise sea.
This is called Bear Rock
To Rhiannon's delight, we discovered a sort of upside-down lighthouse. It was set into a massive bomb crater in the sea and you climbed down the spiral staircase to a viewing gallery to see the most gorgeous reef fish that obligingly came to the windows so I could take pictures of them.
The bomb crater thing gives an insight to the darker side of Guam which I'll write about in the next post.