As well as me being extremely busy with work, Rhiannon's school and social life requires a diary of its own!
The school is very well set up with extra-curricular activities, which we are both very grateful for and appreciate. Aikido is continuing on Mondays and Saturdays – she loves it! Then gymnastics at stupid o'clock on Friday mornings. A short – 8 week – course on "jewellery making" on Wednesdays, which is really only threading beads onto elastic. Rainbows on Thursdays and now she's started learning the violin too! She'd been going on and on about taking violin lessons since we arrived here (many of her peers have been learning from toddlerhood – remember, this is Japan…). So eventually we gave in. The racket is appalling…
Now, please, I don't want you to think I'm one of those ultra-pushy mums. I've never insisted she does all these classes; they are all her own choice and would do more if a) there was time and b) I allowed her. Besides, as they are available at the school I don't have to put myself out to ferry her anywhere, so it's all fine as far as I'm concerned!
Where (and when) I grew up there were absolutely no opportunities for me to try any of these activities: I did ballet for many years until I grew too tall (and discovered the teacher didn't allow en pointe work). Then I was forced to do piano lessons which I loathed with a passion. I can play the recorder though – very useful… not! And that was it until I discovered athletics when I got to comprehensive school. But that's another story.
However, I do think that all these are a bit too much as it doesn't allow her much time for playdates, which I think is pretty vital for an only child. So we will see how it goes after this term has finished.
Amongst all this we do manage to fit in a couple of sleepovers for her and what is becoming the regular weekend birthday party of one or other of her friends.
Not long until her big do too! Tim and I are still beavering away creating decorations for the hall.